Privacy policy.


Thank you for visiting the Your Power – Your Birth website which is owned and operated by Esther Kelly (ABN 64488021257). By using this site, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.


Personal Information

We may ask you to provide personal information and details when ordering a product or registering for a course either online via live webinar or in person face-to-face.

We use this information to contact you should the need arise.

We don’t sell or deal in personal or customer information.

We may use this information (you remain anonymous) to improve our services, and collate our own marketing statistics.

You may provide your personal information through an enquiry on our website or by joining our mail list.

An option to opt-out will always be provided.


Sensitive Information

Some information you provide may be of a more sensitive nature for example physical and mental health and well-being both current and past, your relationship status or relevant medical history. This information is for the purposes of assisting you and supporting you with your childbirth planning and journey. Please let us know if you prefer not to provide this information.



Reasonable steps are taken to protect your personal information, however we cannot guarantee the site won’t be breached.

We use identification methods and passwords for users to access computer systems.

When purchasing an online program, product or course you will be required to provide your credit card details. Your Power-Your Birth does not collect or record credit card details as they are collected by the Stripe payment gateway, to maximise the security of your credit card details.

Disclosure of your information

We may be required in certain circumstances, to disclose information in good faith and where we required to do so by law, or to protect the rights, property or safety of our clients or third parties.

Contact with you

On occasion we may contact you via email, phone or social media platform to provide you with information on updated services / products or to enquire about your experience with us.

If you prefer not to be contacted directly, please let us know.


We are committed to complying with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). If for some reason you believe a privacy breach of this policy has occurred, or if you’d like to contact us directly, please email