Frequently asked questions.

What is the ‘Hypno’ in Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is using a set of practiced self-hypnosis techniques to control the mind, release fear and anxiety and ultimately relax during the intense physical experience of labour and birth.

  • No -  we don’t watch a dangling clock and lose control over our actions

  • Yes -  we are conscious and very aware of our surroundings but are able to disengage from the activities in the room, switch off the neocortex (the part of the brain that is responsible for logical and rational thought and decision making) and allow the body to release the powerful hormones that help us and baby during birth

When should I start classes?

This is totally up to you and your birthing partner. There is no perfect time to do your classes, but of course it’s best to clear your schedule and both feel available and ready to engage in these interactive classes.

  • I recommend anytime from 20 weeks as it will give you and if relevant, your birthing partner time to practice the techniques

  • Contact me and we can chat about your circumstances

What’s the difference between hypnobirthing and other childbirth preparation courses?

Other childbirth education classes often focus on how to deal with and manage pain. The Hypnobirthing Australia™ program is based on the notion that a healthy person whose pregnancy is uncomplicated and who is carrying a healthy baby, is able to birth without unnecessary intervention and in a more comfortable way.

  • When an individual giving birth understands the remarkable potency of the natural endorphin hormones circulating through the body when fear isn't prevailing, they can harness those hormones and alter the outdated notion of labor being painful, instead anticipating and experiencing a calmer and more centered birth experience.

  • In this program people learn deep abdominal breathing and total relaxation amongst other techniques, rather than shallow breathing and typical distraction methods

  • Information in my classes is contemporary and evidenced-based and the modern birthing videos are current and from Australia, New Zealand and the UK

Who can attend this class?

Pregnant people and their birthing partners.

  • Your birthing partner may be your partner, doula, sister, mother, friend or intended parents. (Throughout this program you will learn that your birthing partner will play an integral role in the labour and birth of baby).

Will this program be useful if I don’t choose a natural birth or if I end up needing intervention or a caesarean?


  • Throughout this program you will learn powerful ways to relax, calm and stay centered

  • These techniques will be useful for you and baby during the latter stages of your pregnancy and into your post-natal experience and beyond

  • If down the track you require medical intervention for your birth, you will be able to use these techniques to stay relaxed and in control of your emotions, which will ultimately benefit not just yourself but also baby

  • Birthing people who have needed scheduled caesareans for medical reasons say they felt calm and relaxed before and after the procedure

  • I also offer a ‘change of circumstances’ program. Chat to me if you would like to know more about this down the track.

What if my doctor / midwife is not familiar with hypnobirthing?

  • Hypnobirthing is becoming widely known and accepted in our current medical systems.

  • More care providers are familiar with and respect the Hypnobirthing techniques as it assists not just the birthing person and baby during birth, but the team of professionals too.

  • Throughout this program you will be guided as to how to create a plan of Birth Preferences which will help you in communicating your preferences to your midwife or doctor.

Can I access the hypnosis services without doing the course?

  • I offer a pre-birth fear release hypnosis session as part of the course

  • I also offer separate hypnosis sessions tailored to individuals’ needs.

    The 2 main birth-related services I see clients for are:

    Birth Preparation – releasing fear/limiting self-perceptions and replacing them with confidence, trust and calm, for any type of birth. This also includes working with women who have birthed before and would like this next birthing experience to feel positively different.

    Birth Processing – an opportunity to gently move through and process birthing circumstances that carry profound emotional weight. Whether these experiences are recent or have lingered for years or even decades, this journey offers an opportunity for gentle exploration, acceptance and release without having to re-live the birthing experience.

    This is not just for birthers or birth support who feel they have experienced some level of trauma as a result of birth, but for all women who have birthed naturally or via c-section. Birth is immense and requires gentle processing and integration.

If I choose the online course and I have questions, who can I talk to?

The online program is delivered by Melissa Spilsted, Director of Hypnobirthing Australia™. You can listen to this in your own time at your own pace. In addition, there are 2 options for one-on-one consultations with Esther Kelly from Your Power - Your Birth either in person or via zoom. These consultations offer you the opportunity to access more personalised support, talk about and address your specific fears or concerns and go through aspects of the course in more detail.

  • Online course + 90-minute consultation

  • Online course + 3-hour consultation