Brisbane Hypnobirthing Classes

Or around Australia via live webinar

Face-to-Face Hypnobirthing Classes

with a Certified Hypnotherapist

My face-to-face classes and tailored private courses are delivered either in person or via zoom.

The class outline can be found here.


What is Hypnobirthing?


Private Classes



Individual classes can be tailored to suit your needs and availability. They can be face-to-face or online via zoom. Please get in touch to talk about your circumstances, including any financial concerns.

Includes: 4 x MP3s, 5 x Practice Videos, E-Book, Folio of Resources, Research Links, Access to Members Online Portal, Inspiring Birth Videos. Learn More.

12hr total | $970


Group Classes


Locations (AEST/QLD time)

  1. Brisbane (Alderley) 8:45am - 4:30pm

  2. Gold Coast (Tugun) 8:45am - 4:30pm

  3. Zoom

  4. September Thursdays (Brisbane) 6pm-9pm

Let’s chat if these dates don’t suit.


July: Saturday 27 + Sunday 28 (Brisbane) - booked

August: Saturday 10 + Sunday 11 (Gold Coast @Wahini Health Clinic, John Flynn Private Hospital, open to the public)

August: Saturday 24 + Sunday 25 (Brisbane) - Booked

September: Saturday 21 + Sunday 22 (Brisbane) - Booked

September x4 Thursday evenings: 12th, 19th, 26th + 3rd Oct, 6pm-9pm @Pelviology Clinic, Clayfield (Brisbane)

October: Saturday 19 + Sunday 20 (Gold Coast @Wahini Health Clinic, John Flynn Private Hospital, open to the public)

November: Saturday 2 + Sunday 3 (Brisbane)

November: Saturday 30 + Sunday 1 December (Gold Coast @Wahini Health Clinic, John Flynn Private Hospital, open to the public)

December: Sat 7th + Sun 8th (Brisbane)

Includes: 4 x MP3s, 5 x Practice Videos, E-Book, Folio of Resources, Research Links, Access to Members Online Portal, Inspiring Birth Videos. Learn More.

Bonus: I am a Certified Hypnotherapist and enjoy offering an deep hypnosis session for fear and anxiety release + confidence expansion for both Mum and partner in the lead up to birth.

2 x 6hr sessions | $595 (includes both days & materials)


Live Webinar Classes


Webinars via live zoom, AEST.

Often tailored to couples with special circumstances, or people unable to attend the scheduled group times.

2024 live zoom courses are individual or with a group, delivered on request.

Includes: 5 x MP3s, 5 x Practice Videos, E-Book, Folio of Resources, Research Links, Access to Members Online Portal, Inspiring Birth Videos. Participants must register in advance to receive materials via post. Learn More.

12hr total | $870

*please chat with Esther if this 12hour option doesn’t suit


Positive Caesarean Birth Private Class


In the event you may be required to or choose to have a caesarean, you certainly have options and what you choose can affect your baby's arrival, your sense of empowerment and your overall birthing experience. The techniques, tools and knowledge you will gain through this class will assist you in having a calm and positive birth. If you're not able to attend this class in person or via zoom, there are online course options available (with the choice of additional consultation session/s with me).

4hrs | $450


Private, Group and Live Webinar Inclusions

Members-Only Online Portal:

  • Printable resources

  • Additional practice videos

  • Research links (peer reviewed)

  • Routine for practice

  • Inspiring birth videos

Folio of Resources

  • Printed for you to take home (or posted to you)


  • The Little Book of Hypnobirthing


  • Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing

  • Surge of the sea

  • Rainbow Mist

  • Tranquil Chambers

Practice Videos:

  • Facial relaxation

  • Opening Lotus Flower

  • Mini Hypno-relaxation

  • Birth Rehearsal

  • Bubble of Comfort

Not sure which is right for you?

I’m always happy to have a chat to hear about your needs and your circumstances and advise you on how I can be most helpful.

Share a bit of your story.