About Me

Nice to meet you



Esther Kelly

Hello and Congratulations on taking the first step towards a calm and positive birth, no matter the type of birth.

My background is in international education with two decades of experience in training. I am also a certified and practicing Hypnotherapist.

My passion lies in educating women and partners not only around the physiology of labour and birth and options and choices in the medical system, but also the incredible power of their minds in relation to birth.

‘A positive birth has nothing to do with what does or does not happen, and Everything to do with how you FEEL about it.’

Being educated and knowledgeable about birth means you can make informed decisions – and this is what offers you a sense of empowerment. We can’t control birth, but we can control how we feel. This is so important as we journey from birth into the post-partum experience.

As a Certified Hypnotherapist I offer a hypnosis session to everyone who joins my course.

Additional hypnosis birth-related services are listed below in the hypnotherapy section.

My Births:

My experiences of birth come from 2 opposite ends of the spectrum. The first, a highly medicalised caesarean and my second an unmedicated vaginal delivery (VBAC). I gave birth to my two babies in my early 40’s and am acutely aware of available options and choices for parents in these circumstances.

In your birth preparation I’d be honoured to offer you vital learning tools, healthy encouragement, wisdom, evidence-based insights and much laughter.

Certified Hypnotherapist

My passion lies in facilitating a process where women and partners experience the incredible power of their minds in relation to birth.

Through hypnosis I enjoy working with clients to release unhelpful perceptions of birth and replace these outdated and limiting self-beliefs with positive and empowered beliefs to make decisions with caregivers and work with their body and mind with power rather than being driven by uncertainty or fear.

In addition to learning the physiology of labour and birth and understanding the options and choices in the medical system, I focus on the Power of the Mind.

I also work with Mamas and parents post-birth to help process the emotional experience of any type of birth and to enable deeper attachment and a sense of confidence and calm as the new born or toddler chapter unfolds.

2 main birth-related services are:

Birth Preparation – releasing fear/limiting self-perceptions and replacing them with confidence, trust and calm, for any type of birth. This also includes working with women who have birthed before and would like this next birthing experience to feel positively different.

Birth Processing – an opportunity to gently move through and process birthing circumstances that carry profound emotional weight. Whether these experiences are recent or have lingered for years or even decades, this journey offers an opportunity for gentle exploration, acceptance and release without having to re-live the birthing experience.

This is not just for birthers or birth support who feel they have experienced some level of trauma as a result of birth, but for all women who have birthed naturally or via c-section. Birth is immense and requires gentle processing and integration.

Note: for other Hypnotherapy services around phobias, fears, habits and a desire for change, please visit Esther’s hypnotherapy website- Your Power - Your Mind.

During the most exciting and emotional time in my life, Esther provided non-judgmental practical and caring advice and a voice of reason when my initial ‘birth plan’ went out the window. With Esther’s nurturing support and guidance I was able to really embrace my change in circumstances, and this enabled me to have a really positive birth experience. Esther was born to do this important job. I’ve recommended her to all my friends. She’s an angel.

N. Harte, Brisbane

I feel like I have a much better idea of what to expect and how I can play a role.

Dr. M Gibson, Tugun

The support we received from Esther was incredible and feel so grateful to have met her on our pregnancy journey. Both my husband and I loved the course and feel totally prepared for labour, birth and beyond.

Midwife G. Carty, Northern NSW

I felt more confident after the course. Esther is compassionate and kind and will do everything she can to make your birth learning experience personal to you.

K. Cox, Gold Coast (Biological mother in surrogacy team)

After the intense birth of our first child we knew we needed to follow a different path for our second. We now feel well equipped to have a calm and positive birthing experience thanks to Esther’s exceptional knowledge and relaxed approach. Our private sessions via zoom was like she was with us in our home which was the perfect, relaxed atmosphere.

A. Rowe, Weipa (far north QLD)

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