A positive birth starts with you

Your labour and birth will be imprinted on you and baby for the rest of your lives. Know that this experience can be empowering and positive, no matter the circumstances.

Brisbane Hypnobirthing Classes

with a Certified Hypnotherapist.

See us in action and learn about our philosophy.


You don’t run a marathon or walk into a high-level job interview without preparation. So neither should you enter labour and birth - one of the most intense experiences of your life - without solid preparation.

Through my classes and the Hypnobirthing Australia curriculum, birth by birth we are changing the way women and partners view and experience birth. Arm yourself with knowledge of the medical system, understand the physiological processes of your body, know how to make informed decisions and calm your mind and your body with hypnobirthing techniques.

Hypnobirthing Brisbane

What you’ll learn

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Your body in labour

Understanding the physiological changes that happen in your body during labour is integral to a positive birth. Don’t fear what is happening but embrace these changes and allow the body to do what it is designed to do. You can then experience birth in a new light.

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Medical choices

The medical system both public and private can be quite overwhelming. Rather than handing over control and decision making, make informed decisions built on evidenced-based research by learning the options and choices available to you.

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Learn a set of powerful techniques to reduce fear and tension, control your mind and relax your body. Understand the integral role the brain plays on your physiology and allow your body to release the hormones designed to help you and your baby through labour and birth. Learn the integral role partners play during a hypnobirth.

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Positive caesareans

We don’t always have control over our circumstances, but we do have control over our thoughts. Empower yourself to birth and greet your baby, no matter the circumstances with joy and confidence. Use our hypnobirthing techniques through your birth and into the early weeks with your baby.


Through the wisdom of both medical science and the human body, through knowledge rather than fear, through profound understanding of our bodies and the power of our minds - rather than handing over control,  women are able to feel calm, centered and positive in relation to their birthing experience.


Esther Kelly

Through my classes women and partners are armed with knowledge and tools to confidently navigate their childbirth journey in either the public or private medical system or home setting, and to truly understand the physiological processes of the body during labour and birth. Knowledge is power and learning tools to experience the power of your mind for the ultimate goal of surrender, is key to a positive birthing experience.

All this leaves both mamas and partners feeling empowered so that regardless of the circumstances, they can make informed decisions, contributing greatly to their emotional experience of birth.


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